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Team 10 Classroom

You’re halfway through! 🎉

This is a good opportunity to pause and remember why you set out to learn to code in the first place. Examine what you have been doing so far that’s been working well, and ask yourself if you have some habits or practices that have not served you very well. A renewed focus on your goals will help you get through the challenges of the next 8 weeks!

Reflection & goal setting

For each of these questions, spend no more than 2-3 minutes free writing* an answer. This is for yourself only, not to turn in.

* Free writing means to write without stopping, whatever you think of, without worrying about grammar or spelling. Just get it out of your brain and onto paper. It’s not meant to be read by anyone.

Career Goals

When you think about getting a job as a developer, what kind of work do you see yourself doing and loving? Is there a particular focus that interests you at this point?

Technical Skills

  1. What has been your biggest technical success so far? What did you build that you are proud of?
  2. What has been your biggest technical challenge or obstacle? What has been the hardest thing for you to learn so far?
  3. What are your top 3 technical goals for yourself at this point? What do you want to accomplish in the second half of the program?


Reflect on things that you have been doing so far in your work at Momentum. Have your choices and actions been serving your goals?

  1. What do you want to START doing that you have not been doing?
  2. What do you want to STOP doing this phase (something that has not been working for you)?
  3. What do you want to CONTINUE doing that has been serving you well?


If you have any tips for things that have been helping you, please share in our team Slack! Likewise if you could use some advice on how to deal with something that’s been hard for you, let folks know. Your colleagues are often your best resource.